Has Paragon been audited?
Yes, Paragon has completed multiple audits over the course of our development. Additionally Paragon has underwent ongoing PEN testing with our partners Cinta Infinita. And ongoing vulnerability checks through real time auditing software provided by TestMachineAI beta. Our smart contract audits are listed below:
Audited by Quantstamp: xxx--> add links to audit and Quantstamp
Audited by Quantstamp #2: xxxx __> " "
What is Paragon's data and privacy policy?
Why did we build Paragon?
Paragon began on the simple thesis that an influx of assets and business models will make their way Onchain for a number of cost cutting reasons. NFTs enable true ownership by providing a better infrastructure to manage and track the movements and value of owning any asset. We began with rentals and set out to give NFT holders and participants a rental protocol that didn't require 10 extra steps, today we offer rentals, buy now pay later, rent to buy, and buy/sell.
What are the risks of using Paragon?
The Paragon Protocol is an experimental platform looking to push the boundaries. Use of the platform, the Paragon app, or smart contracts affiliated with Paragon is at your own risk.
Last updated